BRIEF introduction before this goes public, I have tried to make website links still useful and relevant in the modern age, in spite of people who target these vulnerable groups. So, for the sake of those who will want to take this website down because of this page in particular, this is a video I JUST SO HAPPENED to find online and JUST SO HAPPENED to convert for PSP video so it'd fit on this website and JUST SO HAPPENED to split up into groups - all so I could JUST SO HAPPEN to host this video in a surviving format. I've always wanted to be a librarian so think of this as a strange form of curation.
Original video sourced from here.

1. Introduction

2. Why DIY?

3. Access and Laws

4. Safety

5. Medications

6. Ethics and Strategy

At the time of writing this, that video isn't illegal but I'm not intending to take it down at any point.

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