Digital Painting

My Artpage Dalby Photoshoot Movies Homepage

On my linkpage, I show that these first and last couple of images were done with a Microsoft Paint clone. The others were a painting application that was on my Nokia Flip.

Unlike what I said in the Dalby Photoshoot, there's not really a lot to say about these. The last one was a colour test, this is a "we are all audience and performer" kind of thing

I had this thing about drawing faces.

This one is called "waiting room"

Love how smooth that is, given the tech.

I like the colour purple. Can you tell?

My attempt at making a skull on a Nokia flip (I had to colour fill that in, one pixel at a time)

A true test to see what my flip could do

This one is called "waiting room 2: wait harder"

An extension of the heart ones called "I Love You"

A usage of the colours of the Trans Pride flag to represent Gender Dysphoria.

"Swirl" - kind of an example of my entire aesthetic

"Mess" - My "homage" to a lot of the kind of drawings I would actually make on MS paint back in the day.

This is a joke piece of art. A silly piece about incompetence and technology. This one kind of just speaks for itself.

This is called "Stare At Me" - a painting I made with the specific purpose of testing colour theory.

This is my attempt at pop art but a legitimately more direct influence is actually the Rhapsody In Blue short film from Fantasia 2000

This is another joke piece. I'm letting this one speak for itself.

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