My Anti-AI Page

This is not meant to be a major addition to my website. This is here because I honestly hate AI. I made a whole movie which was about how "any culture that actively promotes it has no intrinsic value." Now if you've SEEN my art, I GET the backlash you're probably going to make. In my view, though, you don't have to be that professional in your approach as an artist, you don't have to get paid work, hell you don't even have to be GOOD, but you at least HAVE TO make what it is you said you made. Say whatever you want about my art, at least what wasn't mine was changed and remixed in a meaningful way (and I'm phrasing it like that because the only time I handled art that WASN'T mine was in my YouTube page AND my movie "Prometheus"). In my view, if you want to make art, you HAVE TO get past the idea of "what if I'm bad and people laugh at me?" EVERY SINGLE person who has ever tried to be an artist of any kind will have had those fears (I'd also argue that art made by humans have soul compared to AI but this is getting off track).

HOWEVER...I can understand your reliance on it if you're unaware anything else exists. That is what this page is for. This isn't meant to be a smug "YOU use AI!?" thing, it's merely meant to be a directory that shows you have options. So with that said, I am hopeful that many of you find what you're looking for.

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