My Anti-AI Page
This is not meant to be a major addition to my website. This is here because I honestly hate AI. I made a whole movie which was about how "any culture that actively promotes it has no intrinsic value." Now if you've SEEN my art, I GET the backlash you're probably going to make. In my view, though, you don't have to be that professional in your approach as an artist, you don't have to get paid work, hell you don't even have to be GOOD, but you at least HAVE TO make what it is you've said you made. Say whatever you want about my art, at least what wasn't mine was changed and remixed in a meaningful way (and I'm phrasing it like that because the only time I handled art that WASN'T mine was in my YouTube page AND my movie "Prometheus"). In my view, if you want to make art, you HAVE TO get past the idea of "what if I'm bad and people laugh at me?" EVERY SINGLE person who has ever tried to be an artist of any kind will have had those fears (I'd also argue that art made by humans have soul compared to AI but this is getting off track).
HOWEVER...I can understand your reliance on it if you're unaware anything else exists. That is what this page is for. This isn't meant to be a smug "YOU use AI!?" thing, it's merely meant to be a directory that shows you have options. So with that said, I am hopeful that many of you find what you're looking for.
- So, lets just say you need to eat, have items in your fridge and no idea what to make. You can always try I mean, this one legitimately terrifies me because...lets just say I'd prefer a McDonalds "mystery burger" over something AI decides is edible.

- This next one is another "everyone will probably need this" use - Resumes. I get the awkwardness of "here's a sheet of paper I have to write because you want to exploit my labour for capital and pay me below my labour's value...but I need that money to not die." I don't begrudge people using AI to avoid that farce.'re worth more than AI organizing your life into a neat little print-out. My suggestion is to use templates. Try Resume Genius if you want something that, to me, seems to be AI free and worthwhile for job hunters.
- Staying on the work theme, formatting a work email. Again, I GET the annoyance but you ARE also worth more than to put your faith in AI (unless you TRULY don't give a fuck about your job anymore - at that stage, just quit). However, I'm going to go with another template site again. (this is also a unique opportunity to mention that if you don't like the template sites I send you to, there's nothing wrong with finding another site that DOES offer what you want, I just shared a site in case you were TOTALLY lost).
- This one is for just learning information, firstly this one terrifies me for OTHER reasons.

No, I'm not done. (I can see the humor of both examples given but not SO MUCH when it's people who're fooled by the false information - if you're still unconvinced, if you use AI, I want you to perform a little experiment: pick ANY word, it doesn't have to be amazing it can be "Shampoo", ask the AI you use if it's a Palindrome - spelt the same backwards as it is forwards, REGARDLESS of whether it gets the answer right OR wrong, ask "are you sure?" and see if it gives a consistent answer) but I'm going to give you all a REALLY cheap cop out in this one as it's still a more popular way to get information online than any AI program - just use Wikipedia. For all the problems that site has (and there are not "none") I can at least defend Wikipedia in that it has human oversight AND said problems are either fixed or in the process of AND they are run by a not-for-profit - The Wikimedia Foundation. That and while "anyone can edit", the sources are all listed and checked (apologies if this link fucks up your browsing history but I wanted to contrast the information given by the AI with the information given by Wikipedia).
- Now, this next one is for students. Say you want to summarise something you read and need the cliffnotes for. Now normally the blurb on the back of the book NORMALLY should do the trick (just go to the last page if it's an ebook), but if even that isn't enough, try Cliffsnotes.
- Now I've also heard people use AI to plan their daily schedules. This one I can kind of understand people getting lost in but AI won't know anything without the adequate information. My suggestion is another template site. Again, hopeful that this one will have something you're looking for on it.
- Staying with the students - I remember my University education (I DID Graduate!). I remember reading about citations and being confused "APA? AMA? Can't I just copy/paste the URL link?" (if you're an academic, pretend you didn't read that) I've heard AI can be used for citations and actually be okay. I understand that use more than others because it's merely displaying different data of a cited work, not creating anything. However, I'm still going to cite Citation Machine as a method of helping you as even with AI citations, I don't trust it.
- Now, this one is for cards. Sending someone condolences, writing up a wedding invite, a happy birthday, that kind of thing. No offense if you have done this but this would probably get me to end a friendship (I mean you didn't make it, you didn't spend money on it, that point, just write on a folded A4 piece of paper "you're not worth the effort"). However, if you ARE interested in alternatives, templates again and GreetingsIsland looks like one of the betters of that kind.
I've also seen tech companies are starting to utilize their products to push the AI snake oil onto everyone. To put it bluntly, if you use Microsoft Word or Google Docs, your work is going to be used in AI shit. So...alternatives
- To start with, my suggestion is to start using third party tech. Instead of Microsoft Word try Libre Office. You use Gmail or Outlook? My personal preferred email is Yahoo...I know how that sounds in the modern era but with the amount of ad blockers I have installed on the regular, it's actually the most usable of the three. There's also Proton Mail if you want something a little more secure. I've also mentioned on other webpages I use Ecosia as a search engine. Beyond that...I'd suggest finding a phone and desktop OS without Microsoft, Apple or Google elements. As I said before, I use Nokias so "a good smartphone OS" is a bit beyond me. However, I use Debian for my home laptop here is a download link. Word of advice, though, I bought my OS on a USB drive just to minimize my chances of not installing it right. I'd suggest doing the same AND conducting research on how to use it as Linux isn't GREAT for a newbie to just jump in with no planning.
- However, I'll write here of the tricks I happen to be aware of if you just CAN'T leave certain services (and I say that without judgement - these companies are seen as monopolies for a reason! That and if you're stuck with them for work...yeah). To remove Google Gemini from all products, click here and turn EVERYTHING off! Then, go here and then turn off Gemini tracking activity. For Microsoft, that's not my OS anymore BUT try this to remove Copilot, also this to remove Recall which records everything you do on your desktop and sends it to Microsoft. Apple Intelligence can be deleted via this.
Before I finish - if any of you are AI advocates reading this, I never wanted AI. I don't want to generate photos of something I could either find in the real world OR draw/paint myself OR (even better) PAY someone to make for me. Whether or not you're anti-AI, the simple statement of "I do not want this product. Can you stop forcing it onto me?" should not be a controversial one nor one that requires hoop jumping of THIS magnitude. I absolutely feel justified in fighting that. If you went to a mechanic who wanted to make a "Tetsuo The Iron Man" out of your car, you shouldn't have to keep constant watch just to make sure he doesn't do that (or you'd use another one that WON'T make a zombie/cyborg/human hybrid). Why should it be the same with tech and AI?
That's all I've got for now.
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